Current and Ex Students Podcasts

The podcasts are recorded writing assignments submitted by current and ex Fenix students. The writing assignments have been proofread by the teachers. These writing assignments cover various experiences within the Mexican culture. Students may read and listen to these podcasts in Spanish.

Why can Podcasts help me with my Spanish?

With the permission of our current and ex students, we have converted their writing assignments in to podcasts. Podcasts are very useful because shared common human experiences allow a student to understand the language more easily.

How can the Podcasts help me?

If an experience is shared with you that you already know or one that you will soon experience, this will make it much easier for you to learn the language you are studying. This activity will fundamentally increase your knowledge in two different ways:

1.  You will learn much easier when a topic is interesting to you.

2. According to your language level, you will find different options that will bring you to a higher level.

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