Hispanic Americans and the Republican Party podcast in Spanish

Ronald Reagan once said, “Latinos are Republicans, they just do not know it yet” (Tyler). Reagan said that because he believed the Hispanic culture shared so much with the ideology of the conservative party in the United States of America: strong family values, entrepreneurial spirit and the Christian faith. Despite this, the Republican Party has not been able to convince Latinos…



Friends of Spanish Online Fenix, Are you ready?
The topic is “Politics”
The name of the podcast is “Hispanic Americans and the Republican Party”
Author: Anonymous Student
Editor: Spanish Online Fenix
Voice: Arturo Dorado R.
Sound Editor: Lolita Dorado

If you want to listen in Spanish press the play button bellow

If you want to read and listen in Spanish (here)

The United States and Mexico 2 Podcast in Spanish

There is a Mexican tourism campaign here in California, that is trying to publish and promote nice cultural places in Mexico, as part of an action to change the country’s image as a lawless republic full of drugs and drug traffickers (an image that still persists here thanks to politicians and news coverage)



Friends of Spanish Online Fenix, Are you ready?
The topic is “International Relations”
The name of the podcast is “The United States and Mexico 2”
Author: Anonymous Student
Editor: Spanish Online Fenix
Voice: Arturo Dorado R.
Sound Editor: Lolita Dorado

If you want to listen in Spanish press the play button bellow

If you want to read and listen in Spanish (here)

The United States and Mexico 1 Podcast in Spanish

Relations between the United States and Mexico have always been present and they are now always changing. The fact that the two share a land border of over 3,000 kilometers, means that often, it is a cause to act together. Besides the similarities there are also many differences between the two countries. Here and especially during a political election period, immigration and international relations…


Friends of Spanish Online Fenix, Are you ready?
The topic is “International Relations”
The name of the podcast is “The United States and Mexico”
Author: Anonymous Student
Editor: Spanish Online Fenix
Voice: Arturo Dorado R.
Sound Editor: Lolita Dorado

If you want to listen in Spanish press the play button bellow

If you want to read and listen in Spanish (here)

My favorite birthday Podcast in Spanish

In the past, my husband and I traveled frequently within Europe. We visited different countries including Italy, France, Austria and Spain. Also, when our children were young, our family traveled to different places within Mexico sometimes. For my birthday, when I turned sixty, I wanted to go to South America. Why? Because I had never visited countries in South America…


Friends of Spanish Online Fenix, Are you ready?
The topic is “My experiences”
The name of the podcast is “My Favorite Birthday”
Author: Anonymous Student
Editor: Spanish Online Fenix
Voice: Arturo Dorado R.
Sound Editor: Lolita Dorado

If you want to listen in Spanish press the play button bellow

If you want to read and listen in Spanish (here)

Los Angeles is a great city Podcast in Spanish

Los Angeles is a great city. It is divided into sections. I live in West Los Angeles, near the beach, but I work in the East. The place where I live and where I work have similar cultures. In my hobbies I like to ride my bike to the beach…


Friends of Spanish Online Fenix, Are you ready?
The topic is “My experiences”
The name of the podcast is “Los Angeles”
Author: Anonymous Student
Editor: Spanish Online Fenix
Voice: Arturo Dorado R.
Sound Editor: Lolita Dorado

If you want to listen in Spanish press the play button bellow

If you want to read and listen in Spanish (here)

Free Podcast “El Mestizaje en Mexico” (Nivel Intermedio)

The phenomenon of miscegenation it ocurred in a different way in what is now the United States and what it is now Latin America. The racial mix in Latin America was much more intensive and extensive than in the part of North America where United States is located. This established a big difference to the future of what is now the United States and what is now Mexico (Latin America).

Free Podcast in Spanish

“Cartas en español a mis estudiantes”

(Nivel Intermedio 1-2 / Intermediate Level 1-2)
(Letters in Spanish to my students)
By Prof. Arturo Dorado

If you want to listen in Spanish press the play button bellow

If you want to read and listen in Spanish (here)

Podcast in Spanish “Mexico and United States

The United States does worry about an underdeveloped country, like the case of Mexico, which shares more than 3,000 kilometers with the border of the United States.  Among other things that cause worry for the United States is that Mexico is a country that introduces drugs to its country.  The honest people of Mexico also worry and are bothered that the country it shares its northern border with is one of the biggest markets for the consumption of drugs in the world.  This is caused by the production of the same drug.


Free Podcast in Spanish “Cartas en español a mis estudiantes” 

(Advanced Level 1 / Nivel Avanzado 1)
(Letters in Spanish to my students)
By Prof. Arturo Dorado

If you want to listen in Spanish press the play button bellow

If you want to read and listen in Spanish (here)